The KEYvents Business Sports Tournament, brings company departments, teams or business establishments more together through a great corporate sporting event! During the Business Sports Tournament, certain characteristics emerge such as the competitiveness, winner’s mentality and working for each other. Moreover, it’s not only playing sports it’s also a networking event  with your colleagues, customers and partners / sponsors. All in all a company event to bring the corporate spirit up in a positive way!


Who is the Business Sports Tournament for?

  • It is for SMEs, Large companies or Multinationals; 
  • For companies that want to bring the corporate spirit up with team sport;
  • It is for companies that want to strengthen the bond between their employees on the work floor;
  • For companies that want to exercise and network with their customers, partners and / or sponsors to strengthen the relationship.

Benefits Business Sports Tournament:

  • Sport connects and brings people together. Moreover, people always want to win and are competitive which brings out the true nature of people. As soon as you see who goes through the fire for their team or who plays selfishly, these qualities will also apply in the company. So through sports you explicitly see which qualities come to the front;
  • Sport creates endorphins in the body that make you happy and get a kick;
  • The link between employees of different departments, branches or teams becomes more strengthened;
  • Stronger bond will make the business stronger;
  • Customer and partner relationships will increase positively and they will appreciate that the company has involved them in the sporting event.

Business Sports Tournament Packages


29 From Per Person
  • 20 - 40 participants
  • Hospitality Tournament
  • Team sports of your choice
  • Duration 2,5 tot 3 uur
  • Optional Sport kit


40 From Per Person
  • 40 - 60 participants
  • Hospitality Tournament
  • Team sports of your choice
  • Snacks and Drinks
  • Winner prices
  • Duration 3 tot 3,5 uur
  • Optional Sport kit


49 From Per Person
  • 60 - 80 participants
  • Hospitality Tournament
  • Team sports of your choice
  • Catering
  • Entertainment
  • Winner prices
  • Duration 3,5 tot 4 uur
  • Optional Sport kit


59 From Per Person
  • 80 - 120 participants
  • Hospitality Tournament
  • Team sports of your choice
  • Luxury Catering
  • Entertainment
  • Winner prices
  • Duration 4 tot 4,5 uur
  • Optional Sport kit

B vs B

59 From Per Person
  • Companies vs Companies
  • From 5 Companies
  • Hospitality Tournament
  • Team sports of your choice
  • Luxury Catering
  • Entertainment
  • Winner prices
  • Duration 3 tot 4 uur
  • Optional Sport kit
  • Price is per person. Each Company is allowed to bring at least 10 participants.
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